A ‘star’ is born
Back in 2001, I got a new Border Collie puppy. He was of course adorable as all puppies are, but as time went on it became obvious that he just was not enthused about agility. I could get him revved up but he was not like the other puppies I had raised and trained. He simply wasn’t that excited about …
Read MoreThe Match Race
Well I failed at my first attempt to embed a video into the blog. Bummer. And, it will likely be too small for you to see. But I thought this was fun footage to share, so I will try. Back “in the old days” we didn’t need fancy software to compare runs side by side . The following video is from the …
Read MoreThat was then, this is now
As many of you know, I maintain the online Awesome Paws Forum where members discuss everything you can think of that’s agility related. I often post personal thoughts and musings there, if they relate to agility and may potentially benefit the forum members. However, sometimes I want to post about something that I would like to reach a wider audience. I was …
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