The “Special” Method of Contact Training: Running A-frame (VOD)

Special A-frameThe “Special” Method of Contact Training: Running A-frame (VOD)

Price: $0.00

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This video on demand is the first of the “Special” series on contact training which will describe my favorite methods of training contacts (derived after experimenting with many methods over the years). This video covers the running A-frame. The contact method presented in the video is not guaranteed for all dogs and handlers. However, it is unlikely that working through the process will be detrimental to subsequently using other methods, and may have some benefit. The dog and handler should be adept at clicker training. The handler must have good timing and a good eye for striding (obviously the success of any method is dependent on the handler’s ability to apply it). Only the very basics of the method are demonstrated in the video. The handler will need to introduce more handler interaction (motion etc), sequencing, independence and so on (as would be true for any method). Rental period: 6 months.

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